Wednesday 5 December 2007

The Ridge Racer is Back

* I was going to post this a few weeks ago already, but all off a sudden the cars stopped using the road for the most part. That seems to have changed this morning. My "favourite" car also made a showing

There are very few cars using the road that I take to school in the morning, hence, there are a few cars that I recognise, most notably the Yellow Minibuses that bring the pre-schoolers to the school there.

The normal thing to do is for them to slow down and go past the pedestrians slowly. Normally when the road is very narrow the pedestrians stop walking and step to the very edge of the road. This is something that seems to be an unwritten rule.

There is one car though that passes me a few time in the week. It is a silvery blue colour SangYeong, I think.

This car drives up and down this road like it is a Ridge Racer course. You can hear this car coming up because that speed is obviously faster than any other car. This car also barely slows down when passing people, be it adults or children.

I've nearly been hit by the mirror a few times. I am just waiting for the day when that car comes close enough AND I have my pen ready to scratch the paint.

I have over the weeks found out a few things about this driver. The first thing I found out is that it is a woman who drops of her boy of at the primary school. She stops at the top of the road, parks next to the church and then makes her way, with her son, to the school.

She stalks, clasping her son's hand, down the footpath that connects the back road to the main road in front of the school. After exiting from the footpath she then stalks over the road, son still in hand, and makes sure he gets across the road.

After she physically let go of him she walks back over the road and stands there, looking at him. She watches him walking, head down, not talking to anyone, until he is well past the gates of the school and into the grounds.

When she is sure he is not going to be anywhere else but inside the school, she turns around and marches up the footpath, back to the car to do some more Ridge Racing back to where she came from

About two weeks ago I found where this Ridge Racer comes from. Let me paint a picture quickly.

When I leave the house I walk next to the main road for about 100m before turning off the road and onto the back road that goes up the mountain. It takes about 100m more before I get to the real back road where it is mostly trees and grass around me. This is the same point where the racing in the morning starts.

Turns out she isn't taking her son from some other part of town to a school in Song Jeong. She is not even just driving him past the traffic to get to school. Nothing as nice as all that.

She is taking him from the bottom of the road, to the top and she does this at racing speed. That is all. There is no great distance involved.

I've came to call her the Crazy Ridge Racer and I am waiting for the day that she either hits me or I scratch her car.

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