Thursday 20 December 2007

Even more on the weather.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who walks around fascinated by the weather here in Korea. We poor souls from the non-snow countries have never seen anything like this. Sure, I might have seen ball of ice as large as golf balls falling from the sky, even larger in photographs. Sure, I've seen the Apies "River", normally a few centimeters wide, flood to drown people and animals, and sure, I have been to the beach on Christmas day, but none of this.

Just after I left the house this morning it started coming down, freaking me out a little. It looked like rain while falling, it sounded like rain, but when it hits you, your clothing doesn't get wet and it doesn't melt. It was a lot like teeny tiny hail balls.

As it accumulated on the ground, the stuff looked like large white grains of sand or very fine polystyrene. It felt a lot like polystyrene as well. I was having visions of of Mana from Heaven.

Needless to say, I was five minutes late for school, again. I just can't help myself. It's absolutely fascinating touching the icy precipitation. Every kind looks different. Every kind feels different. Every kind even sounds different.

I used to think that the snow in films were mostly fake because it didn't fit in to my idea of that snow is suppose to look like, but now I see that although some of it might be fake, most of it is really as weird as it seems.

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