Tuesday, 18 September 2012

What shall we to this weekend?

I’ve been building up my collection of sites and groups that offer information about events in Korea. It can be so annoying when you learn about a great event only the day before it happens. It is not fun dropping everything you wanted to do just to travel for almost 4 hours to Daegu.

One of the sites I find kind of useful is the Gyeonggi Provence’s Events page. When I was on it a few weeks back there was a notice that they would update it. This update happened a couple of days ago, and I must say, it is a disaster.

The page looks like it was given to a school girl in the 90s who just discovered that you can make your own web pages. The menu is almost non-existent, they use what seem to be using either frames or a background image as an advert and there is a terrible scroll idea going. Initially I thought the problem Chrome, but no, it sucks in IE as well.

Other sites that I have found useful are the Korean Tourism Organisation, home pages of institutes or places you might be interested in like the Seoul Art Center or magazines like 10 Mag. 10 Mag aso offers a weekly e-mail that will arrive every Thursday listing events at clubs, bars, organisations and cities. It is great for people in Seoul and evens in Seoul.

Have fun and keep busy.

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