Monday, 11 June 2012

F***! F***!F***!

After 5 minutes of trying to explain that the class is mixed and the test is now done with said mixed class, but also telling me that I should only test one unmixed class at a time when I am actually testing a mixed class, is just confusing. Then I make the mistake to mention that the students should bring their worksheets to the test. They should bring it so that I can check and make sure they did it. In other words I want to see if they kind of, just maybe, prepared for the test.

Me: Please ask the students to bring their worksheets next week so that we can check it.
Co: Blank expression
Me: (Slower) Please ask the students to bring their worksheets next week so that we can check it.
Co: Still blank expression
Me: OK?
Co: I don’t understand
Me: (pointing at the spare worksheets) Those worksheets. They must bring theirs to the test… next week.
Co: (more blank expression)
Me: (no idea how to say it otherwise)
Co: Please say it again
Me: The worksheets. These. Please as the students…to bring…these things…to the test.
Co: Bring what?
Me: (F***!) THESE! (Pointing)
Co: I don’t understand
Me: (Taking a worksheet and handing it to her) What is this?
Co: Last week’s lesson.
Me: (FFS! Taking the first lesson of the year) OK, then what is this?
Co: A lesson.
Me: These things. Students must bring to test.
Co: Frangswaa …You meean…students….must bring… paper to test?
Me: Yes, so we can check it.
Co: Frangswaa …You meean…you want students….to show paper? (What the F***did you just as me 2 seconds ago?)
Me: Yes.
Co: Frangswaa …You meean… (Basically saying the same thing with almost the same words)

This repeating thing will happen a few more times, sometimes repeating the “Frangswaa …You meean…” part with exactly the same words from earlier. In the meantime my internal dialogue is cursing and just trying to get this over with so that I can actually get to help my students who are supposed to be busy with a lesson, doing review work for this very test.

Why must it take 5 minutes for every little piece of information to be conveyed, and why, after I already said I understood, twice, three times, do we have to go over it again, and not even change the description? Or why, after you already confirmed the right thing, and I indicated that you understood correctly, does it need to be repeated 4 more times?


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