Monday, 23 May 2011

Jesus does not love me

I'm slowly leveling a World of Warcraft Mage and yesterday morning I ran a few dungeons. At certain levels you tend to run the same Dungeons over and over, and some of them are just horrible. We entered one of these dungeons and the short player conversation went like this.
Tank: I hate this place
Healer: But it loves you, just like Jesus.
Tank: Apparently he doesn't
Damage Dealer A: LOL
Damage Dealer B: LOL
Me, about 30 seconds later: *lightbulb* Oh, yea, I missed the rapture.

On a more useful note, I finally managed to get all my photos on to my Mac. It will take a while to sort them out and delete the junk, but as always happens, there will be photos that "needs immediate editing and publishing."

Let me hear you say "Yea!"
Nothing? Anything?

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