is a site that helps people obtain micro loans. These loans go towards improving their businesses, education or lives in general. Kiva obtain their kapital from people like us, “rich people”, to loan to people in the poorer countries of the world. There is a lot to explain and I don’t feel like repeating what is already laid out on their site. Go read some. I know you have nothing better to do. You are reading my blog, after all.
So far I have dropped $100 in to my account. Not much considering it is only $25 a time over a few months, and I’m not trying to ad to my collection of 50 designer handbags. One of the groups I decided to lend money to were the Nusa Sejahtera Group in Bali, and I didn’t like them.
For months I watched as my other loans were slowly making their way back, five percent here, ten percent there, all while these people gave me zero percent everywhere. They took my money and lost it!
A few days back I got an update email from Kiva telling me I have credit available to reloan. People have been paying back their loans and I can now help someone else with a loan. I went in to my profile to see who was paying what this time and BAM! these hard working farmers paid back everything, one shot, in full, everything.
I like me some Indonesians again.
Wayan Nantra is the chairman of Nusa Sejahtera group who lived in the Village Nusasari with his wife and 1 child. Daily work is as a farmer with his wife and also develop the business of pigs at home. Nusa Sejahtera Group has successfully repaid the loan to the MUK of Rp.9,000,000($1,000)
From the previous borrowing Wayan Nantra maintain a sows producing piglets and some sold as many as 8 and 2 pigs are fattened into bolsters. From the sale of pigs Wayan Nantra has profit of Rp. 200,000 per month.
For the next period and Wayan Nantra and Wayan Surmi decided to stop borrowing to MUK since been able to finance their own maintenance in addition to pigs should be more care of his farm.
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