Wednesday, 22 December 2010

90 vs 10

The final class of the day starts at 14:15. With just a little bit of effort you can finish the Penalty Work in under 15 minutes and go watch the movie. If I see you trying I'll most likely be nice and reduce the amount of work, bringing it down to about 10 minutes.

Numnut did nothing for the whole 45 minutes, even when I warned him that he would not be going home until he finishes. He immediately started grumbling.

When the final bell went he stood up to go at which point I reminded him he was not finished. This started a 30 minute argument/reasoning/pleading to get out of doing the work. When he finally realised I was not going to give in he did the work and it took, surprise surprise, only 10 minutes.

Was it really necessary to waste both our time like this?

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