Wednesday, 29 September 2010

What will you do next?

Every day, for a few days now, two female students have been spending a lot of time in the teachers’ room. They are here during every break, if not for most of the working day. While they are here they are either busy with some sort of punishment or being scorned by a teacher. I have seen the parents of both students here already and all of this is still going on.

Things like this usually blow over after a few days, so I ignore the madness as much as I can. This, however, seems quite intense, has not let down, and even seems to be getting worse. It made me decide to finally ask what was going on.

I only got a small list as I have no interest in fishing out every detail and it includes things like running away (I think meaning from school), getting jobs (middle scholars are not allowed to have jobs) and wearing short skirts (one girl’s skirt is more like the loin cloths I see on some young ladies over the weekends). The one girl was also in trouble not so long ago for fighting. She was in the teachers’ room for a week straight.

What disturbs me most about this is that they got jobs. If they feel such a need to earn money that they got jobs in the second grade already, then I am wondering how susceptible they are to that evil of young girls in Korea responding to adverts from older men.

It is not all that uncommon in Korea for older men to have sex with school girls in exchange for money. This pops up in the news and blogs every now and then and, as I understand it, not a few prostitutes started in just that fashion.

This is not where you want your career to be heading in a country like Korea. Your social status will be down the drain. Over here, be it good or bad, your social status will affect your life in more ways than we can imagine in the West.

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