Friday 18 January 2008

So Cold!

Last night was absolutely freezing!

Yea, I know. 0 Degrees Celsius is freezing and the temperatures have been hovering just under it for the last month or so, but last night it dropped to something like -10. The forecast reckoned that it would have felt more like -18 after factoring in the wind and such.

The problem with this is threefold. Firstly it’s difficult to sleep when you’re cold. At least it is for me. I keep waking up to get the blanket in the right positions and plug up the gaps where the cold air is flooding in.

Secondly, its holiday and I am using this time to attack people in the online game I’m playing. Because there is no work today I can set my alarm and wake up at 2am to launch an attack. If I don’t do things like that that then the timing of the multiple attacks are out. This meant I have to get up when its -18 degrees outside, sit there for five to ten minutes to make sure I get the timing right and then get back in to the cold bed.

The last problem is my poor hamsters. I have head it said that hamsters don’t like temperatures under 15 degrees and I’m sure my house war much colder than that last night. The Crazy One was likely running all night to keep warm, not because he was being a normal stupid hamster.

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that I have two hamsters. They are more entertaining that TV some days. Also, they are also cuter and softer than most TVs.

It seems like the poor things will have more of the same tonight.