Monday, 9 June 2014


A few of my students are walking around wearing t-shits with really cute characters on them, but until a few days ago I had no idea where they bought them.

Turns out they buy them from a shop called Pancoat. It seems to be a Korean company originating in Busan. The currency is in USD, but most of the models on the site look very Korean and apparently it became famous here because a few celebrities wore some of their stuff. I saw one girl wear this the other day. I don't know she thought she was wearing, but let's hope no celebrity gets caught with it on.

Korea and it's obsession with celebrities... Walking down the street you'll notice that almost every brand uses an actor or singer on their posters to promote their product. It's so prevalent that I believe it when people tell me that advertising is what earns K-Pop entertainers most of their income. You can see why companies use them though. It's estimated that a product will sell as much as 40% better when it's associated with a celebrity.

Anyway, don't you just love the way these shirts here are packed, without a celebrity next to it?


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