Friday, 20 April 2012

RSVP Jusaeyo


You’re invited to “English Kitchen”!

After the success of the first event, Sunny’s Kitchen invites you to our second “English Kitchen”, when we turn Sunny’s Kitchen in to an all English Language restaurant for the day.

Why English Kitchen? We see hundreds of children and adults learning English every day, but would like to help them. Sunny’s Kitchen the English teachers of Icheon, both Korean and non-Korean, are volunteering their time for the City of Icheon. Come take the chance to put what you learn in the classroom to work

People of all ages are welcome and children will be provided activities during the time of “English Kitchen”.

See you there *^.^*

Date: April 28th 2012 Time: 11:00 am- 3:00 pm Place: Sunny‘s Kitchen
* Due to high volume of guests, this event will be reservation only.


“Sunny Kitchen” 함께하는 “English Kitchen”체험 이벤트!

따뜻한 봄을 알리는 4월을 맞이하여 써니키친과 이천 원어민 선생님, 영어선생님들이 함께 참여하는 두번째 “English Kitchen”이벤트를 마련하였습니다. 4월28일 써니키친에 오시는 어린이들과 부모님이 함께 식사하며 재미있는 영어를 체험하시는 시간을 만들어 보았습니다. 외식도 하고 영어도 배우며 재미있는 시간을 보내고 싶으신 분들은 누구든 참여하세요^^ (단, 예약제로 운영됩니다)

일시: 2012년 4월 28일 토요일 장소: 써니키친

*** 식사 및 프로그램 운영시간 ***

1부 11:00~12:40 (11:00~11:40 식사/12:00~12:40 프로그램 참여 및 프리마켓 이용)
2부 13:00~14:40 (13:00~14:00 식사 / 14:00~14:40 프로그램 참여 및 프리마켓 이용)
*원활한 프로그램 운영을 위하여 사전예약하신 분에 한하여 1,2부 중

1회만 참여 가능하며 선착순 마감합니다. (예약필수!)

English Kitchen 이용하시는 방법

I. “English Kitchen” 입장료는 없습니다.

II. “Event Staff’가 오면 메뉴를 보시고 원하시는 식사 또는 음료를 주문합니다.
(영어로 대화를 하시면 ‘스탬프’를 찍어드립니다. 많이 모아보세요^^)

III. 가족과 함께 맛있는 식사를 합니다.

IV. 정해진 시간에 써니키친에서 마련한 영어프로그램에 참여하실 수 있습니다.

V. 체험 중 획득한 스탬프는 프리마켓에서 ‘이벤트 선물’로 교환하실 수 있습니다.

VI. 나가실 때에는 카운터에서 음식값을 계산하시면 된답니다.

예약문의: T.638-9838 장소: 써니키친 (이천시 갈산동 469번지 우성APT입구 옆)

Friday, 13 April 2012

Wash your hands, chirren

A while back I had people laugh at me, again, for being weird. I said that men should wash our hands BEFORE we whip it out to wet the bowl. I believe that if had a bath/shower in the last, let us say in the last 12 hours, and I washed everything thoroughly, then my penis would be clean, but that the same can not be said for my hands.

We generally get dressed in clean clothes, or at least clean underwear, shortly after a shower. This means that out sparkly genitals does not come in contact with anything dirty for quite some time. I can hear you thinking “Dick Cheese” as I type…

Smegma, which comes from the Greek word for soap, is a combination of dead skin cells, oils, moisture, and bacteria that accumulates under the foreskin and within the vulva… Smegma, a white emollient, provides moisture to the genitals, keeping them smooth and soft. Smegma can protect both the penis and vagina from dirt and infection because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is quite beneficial to overall genital health.

Did you see all that? Anti-viral properties. Protect. Moisture. Our Sparklies stay rather clean unless we mess with them.

Our hands, on the other hand (get it) come in contact with dirty stuff almost from the moment we leave the bathroom, and often even in there as well. We pick up and touch all kinds of things that would be considered dirty.

The main pathogenic bacteria which are likely to be found on the hands are Staphylococcus, Corynebacteria, Streptococcus, E coli, Myobacteria, and Haemophilus, all in different concentrations. I will not mention all the shit we pick up from surfaces in public areas.

Do you hold on to the rail on the escalator? Ever wondered who did the same after wiping their butts without washing their hands afterwards? Ever read research of just how much faecal matter is on surfaces in public areas? Think about who put their hands on that table before you put your utensils there. The cloth used to wipe the table has more bacteria than pretty much anything else in the room, and we are talking disgusting amounts more.

So, with that in mind, is it really that farfetched for me to say that it makes sense to wash our disgusting bacteria covered hands before touching your still clean penis?



You might think that I am a germ phobic, but I am not. The human body can protect itself pretty well, and by allowing small amount of bacteria in to your body you are probably just making the body stronger rather than sick. Don’t go licking the escalator handles though.

Constantly washing your hands with anti-bacterial soap is likely the worse things you can do. Hospitals have super bacteria because they use anti-bacterial all the time, Germs that are not killed by this end up coming back stronger and with friends. Your best bet is to just wash your hands regularly with normal soap, or at least before you stick your fingers in your mouth.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Your class is waiting, mam.

Sitting at the lunch table, a students sneaks up to the teacher sitting across from me. I hear: “Sonsengnim,…” and other Korean that I did not recognise.

She gives a embarrassed smile and there are a few muted giggles from the teachers around her. She gets up with her lunch tray, go get another to cover that one and leaves the lunch room.

I’m guessing there was a schedule change that she forgot about. Why do we have so many changes?

Friday, 6 April 2012

Weather and stuff

An online friend made the comment that Durban was oh so cold now. It is not even winter yet, and in my experience, even then is not cold in there. I think it is mostly because of the hot ocean current that passes by. I made the point that Pretoria is not as hot as Durban, and even that is not particularly cold in winter. This, however is not the point of this post, but all this lead me to think of how Koreans think that I am unable to handle cold because Africa is such a hot place.

Well, true, Africa is hot, but I don’t live in Africa. I live in (the Republic of) South Africa. Africa is a big place, you know? Koreans live in Korea, not Asia. Asia is kind of big as well. India and Korea do not exactly have the same weather, does it? For heaven’s sake, Busan and Seoul does not even have the same weather and we are talking less than 350km apart.

I went a digging and found a weather chart of monthly temperatures:

Pretoria Seoul
Summer 16°C - 28°C
17°C - 29°C
17°C - 29°C
18°C - 27°C
22°C - 29°C
23°C - 30°C
Autumn 16°C - 28°C
13°C - 23°C
8°C - 22°C
16°C - 26°C
9°C – 20°C
3°C - 11°
Winter 4°C - 21°C
3°C - 20°C
8°C - 23°C
-3°C – 4°C
-5°C – 1°C
-4°C - 4°C
Spring 10°C - 26°C
14°C - 28°C
15°C - 28°C
C0°C - 10°C
8°C - 18°C
12°C - 22°C

(I would like to dispute the winter highs. When I was in school that was more like 15°C, however, that might have changed.)

You have to keep in mind that my home town of Pretoria is not humid like Korea, so 30°C there is much easier to handle than 30 here in Korea. 30°C there and it is great for a Braai (BBQ) outside. Here in Korea you would be sweating like a pig within 5 minutes. Point is, I am no more used to heat than any Korean is. The cold can get to us Saffers, but that is because most of our country does not reach those low temperatures. Note that I said “most”. Some places do get seriously cold (and in summer seriously hot). Also, many of us prefer colder days, like I do. 5°C in the morning up to 20°C and I am as happy as a, and again with the pig, but this time in Palestine. 

“Why is (the Republic of) South Africa so much cooler than the rest of Africa?” you might as. Well, dear reader, there is this things, actually two of them, called the Tropic Lines. Countries between these lines tend to be very hot. Them there countries are where coffee is grown precisely because it is nice and hot. Most of South Africa fall underneath the Southern Tropic Line, the Tropic of Capricorn. This makes for a nice temperate, almost European like country, perfect for growing just about anything and having fun outside like it is no body’s business.

As a p.s. note thing, did you know there are places in Australia where is snows, quite a lot? Yea! It snows in Australia. It is so easy to forget that that country is actually a whole continent, with quite diverse climates. I know I forget just that all the time.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Yea, Stormers home crowd.

While getting ready for work today I had this past weekend’s Stormers vs Bulls game on. The Bulls were playing away in in their new pink strip. Yes, pink. Let’s move on.

Being from Pretoria I naturally don’t like Capetonians as a group and I know that, at least where sport is involved, they feel the same way about us. Today, however, I lost all respect for the home crowd.

Right of the bat, as the visiting team took the field, they started with what I, and I am not alone here, consider disgusting supporter behaviour. The Boo-ed and jeered the Bulls on to the field. During the 1 minute silence for the 10 rugby players who lost their lives recently they were chanting and whistling. During the match they cheered whenever they got a penalty in their favour, which is fine, but actually boo-ed the referee when one was awarded against the Stormers. Their player was blown for playing dirty and they boo the ref?

Is this the image you want to send the world of yourself? An image of ill-mannered fanatics who don’t even understand the game and who get their pleasure from taunting others on the “playground”?

Football has been fighting this for many years. Rugby has always been proud of having a more civilised crowd, despite the nature of the game. Do were really need to start grouping some of our own supporters with “those people”?

(I am all for being hostile to the visiting team. It is our way of helping. However, no sportsmanship is not on)
My “favourite” player was his normal innocent self again. He gets, in his mind, slighted, jumps up and rushed the player to start a fight but gets bobbed back as if he is a child. Spends the next 5 minutes shaking his head and looking back as if it was the worst thing that has ever happened, the worse decision ever and it all was directed at him personally. Didn’t like it when he was doing it up north and like it even less now.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Maak my tiets spiere lam!

Pointing at the first 6 numbers of my VISA Number
“Francois, is this your day of birth?”   “Yes, it is.”

Pointing to the same thing
“This is your birth day?” “Yes”

Rewriting the xxxxxx- as xx.xx.xx
“Is this your birth day?” “Yes”
And in a thought bubble “No matter how many times you ask me, it will not stop being what it is”