Monday, 24 August 2009

Don’t sit! You’ll mess up my display.

The room in one of the hotels in Indonesia where I stayed had a glass wall with natural light coming in from outside. It made for an interesting image.

I have one photo where you an see more of the reflection in the floor, but for this shot I would really have preferred a gray or some other dark carpet.


  1. But unfortunately, the hotel have no internet connection at all.. Sorry for that.. Next time, u'll get better place when u come visit again..

  2. I'm just spoiled with Korea and it's easy access. The Hotspots in Indonesia are pretty easy to find, so it wasn't that big a problem. I wish I could say that Hotspots were that easy to find in SA.

  3. I almost forgot about that.. :p
    Btw, do u already have the internet connection at ur new apartment yet?

  4. Yup. I have internet. It makes uploading photos much easier. I hope to upload another bunch tonight.
