Friday 5 June 2009


As part of my Google Map if my town I indicate the way we go to get to Express Bus Terminal in Seoul. If there is something interesting to see along the way I will make a note of it and today I thought I would hunt down the name of that big gothic looking silver cathedral thing. Turns out it is called은혜외진리교회, the Truth and Grace Church. I wish I could find a photo of it to show you but I cant find anything on the internet, and I am tired of looking. Their web site, but nothing, but I did find their description of the church. I copied this interesting part:

The denomination which our church belongs to is designated as Jesus Assembly of God There are several denominations in Christianity and each has its own characteristic.

Therefore, everyone can belong to any denominations according to one's faith line and live a religious life. But, there is only one thing to consider when one chose a denomination. It is that one should choose the orthodox denomination which teaches, believes and acts according to the Bible.

The denomination, Jesus Assembly of God, which our church belongs to is an orthodox denomination which confesses the faith on the basis of the Bible and many churches belong to our denomination throughout the country.

Basically, you are allowed to belong to any denomination, but if you ever want to avoid hell then you had better belong to THIS denomination.

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