Wednesday 3 December 2008

They want to turn me in to an Ajuma!

Another teacher in my town mentioned that she had to go to a training thing at our education office round about the middle of December. Today I was told that I had to go there on the 17th, so I’m wondering if it is the same thing.

Here is the kicker though. We have to go make to Kimchi and Mandu. I am sure they do actually want us to enjoy the experience and they don’t just want to force “Korean Culture” on us, but I am also sure they will not let this chance go my to take photos that show how they forced us to make kimchi we relish the opportunity to learn “Korean Culture”. It will likely be nice, but my cynical side can’t help but wonder about the possible extra reasons.


I finished the year’s last work with some of my classes his week. The last test went very quickly in the one class, so I asked them if they wanted to watch a few YouTube clips or a DVD. With ten minutes to go YouTube was the obvious choice, so I decided to show them a WonderGirls / Epik High song that a friend sent me a few weeks ago.

Deciding that funny music videos was to be the mission for the day, I type “funny music video” in to YouTube’s search box and let rip. You would be surprised how many hits you get on Korean songs. This weird thing came up. The students were not able to tell me if it was originally released like that or of it was dubbed by someone else.

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