Tuesday 2 September 2008


A while back a guy whom I don’t know asked to be added as a friend in Facebook. I thought that I might know him somehow, so I added him to see what happens and then promptly forgot about it.

Last night I quickly showed Master Jo my photos of Two Thousand Town when he popped up on Facebook’s instant messenger. I apologised and said that I was unable to chat just then. He asked another question and I said that I was not actually behind the keyboard, so I would chat later. Amazingly this fool’s next message was “So, where are you?” Demmit, dude! I CAN’T TALK NOW!

Later the evening I send him a message saying that I was now able to chat. He said hello and the next message gave me his phone number and said we should chat some time. I said I was in Korea, not South Africa, and not going to call him. A few lines later he said “Can I ask you a question?” I said “Sure” and he said “Can you sponsor me a ticket where you are?”

WTF!? I don’t know the guy from a bar of soap, we’ve been talking for two minutes and he asked me this? I gave an answer thinking he was joking, but he said he was serious. I asked what he was thinking and he told me to forget it. No matter what I asked, that was his answer.

What a weirdo! His profile said he in engadged and interested in women, but almost every person on his list is male and many of them in nice shirtless photos. I am getting the feeling this guy is trolling Facebook for, er, I can’t think what. He goes by the name Joseph Cornelis Swart.

On a ligher, less creepy note, autmn has truely arrived now. Cosmos (more particularly Cosmos bipinnatus) is popping up everywhere. Maybe I can hou find a vew interesting photographs this weekend.


  1. See, personally, that stranger'd have been cut from my friends list the second time he asked to chat, after already being told I couldn't. I don't need none of that filling up my internettin' time.

    Hope you dealt with him appropriately.

  2. Removed. Ignored. Got it of my mind. The cosmos is growing...

  3. pheeewwwsss,,, CREEPY.... watch out for him, i thought!..

  4. GAY MAGNET!!! that's what you are...
