Tuesday 17 June 2008

June in Town

June came to Korea and that means everything non essential stops for the few days prior to, during, and after her visit. Blogging, both writing and reading, is very non essential in my life. It is just something I like to do.

While June was here we managed to do a few interesting things with nice experiences directly attributed to her Korean Language ability. The greatest of these was the coffee at Bliss Coffee here in Two Thousand City. The owner LOVES his coffee and as I was thinking aloud, June would ask him the question. When he found that we really like coffee, he kept on feeding us things containing caffeine, free of charge. At 11pm it is not the best thing to ingest in large amounts, especially if you have to be at work extra early the next day.

All in all it was a great weekend, as it always is when June comes home. I would like to create a whole post about Bliss Coffee, photos and all, and I will include a bit of what was going on this weekend, but that is for another day when I have photos to show. I will include in this post the best photo from my Dr Fish experience on Sunday…

Doctor Fish is basically a tub with little fishees in that eat the dead skim of your feet. The session is fifteen minutes long, but it takes you about five to get your feet in and used to the feeling. Apparently Miranda Spa here has it, but I only found this out yesterday. I doubt I will try it there, once is enough, but I do want to try the general Spa though.


  1. Bliss coffee is in Icheon!? Where's that gem hidden!??

  2. In the post about the place I will put up a photo of the map, but the easiest way it to start at Dunkin' Donuts in town, not the one at the terminal.

    When you pass DD, walking away from the terminal, turn right. Do not cross the road. You will pass Ti Amo, another nice place, but don't be tempted. Just continue on up. Along the way you will cross a few smaller streets but just before you cross a larger, and often quite busy street, you will see it on your right.

    I am sending everyone there and I was planning on putting something on Facebook about it, but first I need sleep ;)
