Tuesday 11 March 2008

And the Circus is Back

The new school year is already a week old an no one thought it a good idea to tell me that, similar to last year, Tuesday and Thursday will have a different schedule from the other three. I actually had a change in time initially, but was told that it would be the same all through the week. I even noted that in an earlier post

This morning I was unable to finish my 09:00 class. I thought it was because I didn’t plan my timing right, but I was watching the watch the whole time. As I walked out of the class, I noticed that I had 10 minutes left! Apparently class starts 10 minutes earlier and there is one more period for these two days. Apparently, 09:00 is actually 08:50 now.

When I asked why this is done and here is the amazing explanation. "Some students live in rural areas and need to take the bus." Apparently they only live in rural areas every second day.

I was not the only one not told about this. The teacher whom I teach this class with didn’t know either. I have a suspicion none of the other new teachers know this.

We should check if there is a university that gives a degree in Creating Class Schedules, because this seems to be rocket science.

1 comment:

  1. Annoying QUEENIE12 March 2008 at 09:57

    "Some students live in rural areas and need to take the bus." Apparently they only live in rural areas every second day."

    the funniest thing youve ever said...oh i know youre not trying to be funny..youre trying to be SARCASTIC!!!! oh not TRYING....YOU ARE SARCASTIC!!!

