Monday 9 July 2007

Quieter Times

This week was mostly uneventful, but still, there is something to say.

The snails seem to have disappeared and the flies are not so many anymore. The downside to the flies is that they seem to have gotten bigger. I think by next week they might weigh down my hand if they come to sit on it.

My Gym Program is starting to get into some kind of shape, but I was befallen by one of those bad nights where I got to bed late and then just could not sleep. It doesn't make it easy to go to the gym. There was also some other interruption, but I forget what it was. I at least got a session in for each group, so that is something good. My weights for each exercise will be set soon.

Another little annoyance that I put down to culture is the way students stand when I talk to them. They always seem to stand at a 90 degree angle to me. Because I want them in front of me when I talk to them, I keep on turning in their direction with the effect that they promptly correct the angle again. I have given up and just life with the fact that I will not see a student stand in front of me very often. Koreans!

I went for a quick shopping trip to Seoul to get stuff for my computer as well as a little tea set and tea for myself. The computer stuff I got in Jongsan and the tea set I got cheap in Insadong. The rest of the goodies for my home I got in the underground mall at the Express Bus Terminal. Slowly my place is taking shape and becoming what I want it to be.

And to end of this short blog, I will tell you about the t-shirt I saw. I wish I could get a photograph of it, but I was in no position to do so. It was a boy and I only saw this as he got off the buss. On the back of his shirt it said "I used to be a Bitch, but then I was m....". I can’t be sure, but I think the last word was "mistaken". I sincerely hope he was mistaken because if he was a bitch before then he really does have a problem.

*Please note that the statements in this Blog are not intended to make anyone look bad. I do not look down on Koreans. I'm merely describing how amusing I sometimes find people and I am mostly describing it to other westerners. Feel free to come to South Africa and tell the world how crazy we are because heaven knows, we are.

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